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APA 7th Edition: What's Changed?

Happy New ... edition of the APA style guide? Just when you thought you had finally mastered the guidelines of the 6th edition, the APA 7th Edition style guide has arrived! Fortunately, the new changes should simplify the layout, citation and referencing process. Highlights include:

Paper Format

  • No more running head on students' papers
  • More flexibility when it comes to students' title pages
  • Simplified student paper header levels


  • One space after each period at the end of a sentence
  • Singular use of "they" permitted
  • In document, broader use of quotation marks rather than italics will increase visibility

References Page

  • Most titles, including webpages, are in italics rather than quotation marks
  • No place of publication is required for book references
  • No database name or URL are required for online database references
  • "Retrieved from" is no longer required before any URL

During this time of transition from 6th to 7th edition, always double-check with your instructor to verify which version he or she will be using when evaluating your work.