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Cut to the Chase - Proofread Like a Pro

One of the last steps in the writing process is proofreading and editing. It's important to give your writing one last look before submitting to ensure you have made your points, included appropriate punctuation, and structured your writing in a way that will make it easy for your reader to access the information provided and complete the communication process. Ask yourself these questions to ensure your final draft is error-free:

  • Does my thesis statement accurately summarize my paper? 
  • Have I included concise topic sentences in each of my paragraphs, as well as a concluding sentence that restates the thesis at the end of my document?
  • Is my punctuation perfect? 
  • Is my word choice appropriate for my audience?
  • Will the reader know what I am trying to tell them? 
  • Have I provided adequate transitions throughout my document to enable my reader to follow my thought process?

Plan to do a final proofread of your document only once, preferably after running a spell check or grammar check. After the first reading, it's possible to see what we think should be on the page, as opposed to what is actually there. Spelling and grammar checkers cannot account for context, so your final review of your writing should be with the goal of identifying any errors that may have slipped through the cracks.