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Welcome to the Blog! Let's Start Writing!

Greetings, friends and students! If you have landed on this page, one of two things has happened. Either you incurred a typographical error while inputing a different address -- oops! -- or you are in search of an easy and efficient way to master English grammar and writing.

Writing is not something that is specific to writers. In other words, no matter your choice of profession or educational program, you will be required to write something at some point. Maybe you have been out of class for a minute, or a while, or years. Perhaps you are realizing that there's more to "this writing thing" than you had anticipated. Regardless of your reasons for visiting, I trust that the information contained herein will be of assistance to you, whether your writing journey involves academic, personal or professional writing.

Even natural-born writers struggle occasionally. Each week, we will discuss a different topic relating to English grammar, writing and/or literature, with a goal to incorporate important concepts and techniques in a way that you can apply in your everyday life. We will break it all down.

Welcome! I am glad you decided to join us.